The Perkins Letters

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Valentine Blues

The rain continues and I am nestled under layers of sweaters, hats, scarves and blankets so I can continue to write from my screened in porch. We bought our current house for the screened porch. I had actually tried to get one built on our old house and there was a permit nightmare that made it near impossible. Nikki asked me, “Are you sure you will really use a screen porch enough to make it worth it?” Honestly, I’d never had one before, but reading about them from books made it feel like it was something I would adore. And man, does this screened in porch give me joy. I come out here in the early morning when no one else is awake with my coffee, or sleep on it when there’s rain pattering outside. I stretch it out to be used almost year round because I love it that much. Thus, I am writing to you with cold fingers and nose but a very warm heart.

The next letter contained a letter from my Grandfather’s mother (my Great Grandmother) writing to my Grandmother, Eugenia. So sweet. I love how she says “the boys are planting peanuts”. I can just imagine them all red-necked and sweaty, planting in the red dirt of NC. And then my Grandfather’s follow up letter in which he refers to letters my Gram must have been writing to him makes me swoon as he says “We must stay close together always.” And they did. Those two traveled a great deal for Quaker related things but a lot of the time, they traveled together. 

Hug your Valentine close tonight!

Thursday Morn May 1, 1947

Dear Eugenia,

Ted got here yesterday eve about 2:00.

He went to Nahunta last night and now has started to Br….. on Khan’s car.

It’s a very pretty day for him to travel. We are all busy. The boys are planting peanuts. Hope you don’t miss Ted too much.


                                         Mother Perkins

Darling,                                                                                    Wednesday Morning

We are waiting for the breakfast call so I am beginning a letter to you. We had a good night's rest after we got into bed and I hope that you have been resting well.

Today seems to be going to be a beautiful day. The sun is already out now but the radio states that it is likely to rain today. It has been dark all the time since we arrived this morning.

I have been on meetings too much to write you a letter before now- hope you don’t mind too much. We meet from nine in the morning until about ten at night with little time in between. We have a full day in view today, but the meetings are much more interesting, and I think profitable, than they have been in some other times when I have been here.

I have just finished eating breakfast so I will write a few more lines before dish washing time. They [?] at the tables longer this year. Perhaps it is because the Missionary women are still here.

Among the improvements they have made in the cottages is to put a shower and a bathtub in along with sink and an electric hot water tank. It helps things a great deal.

I have just been asking about Vacation Bible School materials and hope to get to go to the Book Store to look some over before I leave.

The Missionary Board is meeting beginning today, but I still have not had the opportunity to see Merle Davis. We are both busy, but I shall make every effort to see him before leaving .

Your letter of Sunday came yesterday and made me feel very happy. You are so sweet to me! We must stay close together always. I wish you were here.

Love, Ted