The Perkins Letters

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I’m leaving on a jet plane!

I have been meaning to write an update because so much has been going on- but so much has been going on and my to-do list seems to get longer everyday. My gram’s nursing home made me go Wednesday without Nikki to go over the healthcare power of attorney (HPOA) paperwork. The notary was very nervous to fill out the paperwork because she didn’t want my gram to be coerced. So the social worker and I woke up my gram during her afternoon nap and I asked her how she felt about Nikki being her HPOA. Of course we have to do this on the white board because she is so deaf. It took her a bit to understand what I was asking because again, we had just woken her up. However, once she read the old paperwork, she said “Well, of course!” She then went into all her wishes again and funeral plans, which she goes over with me every time I visit. I have it written in a notebook and the officiant also has a saved file on his computer with her wishes because she is obsessed with him over all the details as well. She gets giddy to talk about her funeral- you would think she was going to attend as well. So the social worker is satisfied so Nik and I are going to go to Greensboro again this week to make it all official.

On Wednesday I also took my Aunt to the vet (she can’t drive because she has seizures). Turns out this stray cat she adopted 6 months ago that was hanging out at her apartment complex, has a chip, which means they have an owner. The vet refused to do anything else to this cat until we notify the owners that we have him. We started the process and my Aunt is heartbroken. Hopefully they abandoned the cat, which is what we assumed to begin with, and my Aunt can keep it. Oh the drama! She is such a cat lady too- she has already plumped him up to a 15lb cat!

I actually have my plane tickets now and even have a return flight! So it is really really happening now! I have a very neat folder full of all the required paperwork (including my e-visa!) I took my covid PCR test today so it will be resulted before I leave. They only other things I need to do include finishing my application to a writing fellowship (which is due Feb 10th), doing some last minute housekeeping with Planned Parenthood and finishing up some homework from the online class I was in. I feel like everyday my to-do list gets longer. I haven’t completely packed yet, but everything I want to bring is in a pile. I’m going to have to get creative to get it all to fit and to not go over the weight limit. I seriously have an entire bag full of snacks and coffee!

This hat is from my brother’s pig farm (he also has goats and chickens)

Thanks to everyone who has already donated to my venmo so I can bring reading glasses and other gifts to the National staff and our patients. We really need menstrual products (Don’t worry, I talked with HR about them changing the rules of us supplying our own menstrual products for the year, and suggested they supply it as a human right to the females in MSF and the national staff and patients. They said no one had suggested that before and they are really interested in implementing it. I think we could get donations and they wouldn’t even have to pay for it). For now, there’s not enough room in my pack to bring any but I will let you know if we end up having a place to donate so MSF can buy them!

Ok, I must go. Nik and I are heading to see Gram and then I am spending the night at my brother’s house so I can say goodbye to his kids. Ugh… so sad!

See this social icon list in the original post