The Perkins Letters

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Day 5 #tojuneauorbust

7:15 AM MST

Good Morning! I cannot believe we had two whole hours of hotel time before I had to fall asleep!! I finally got to work out (it is so important for my mental and physical health and the last hotel I really knew I would an gym to exercise in,) reorganize some of my hotel bags and do some more of my perfectionist things on my previous blog posts. I am trying to write ‘just the facts, ma’am, just the facts’ in my first iterations and try to throw up some pictures to those who still hate reading and then curate it all better later on. It has taken me however many years I have been doing this blog to learn to do this to give myself grace and to prevent month-long crickets on my updates to everyone.

As I have gotten older and older and had more and more of life showing me what happens when you try to plan or be perfect, I have had to let go of a lot of my Type A, perfectionist personality that I had growing up…so much so that when people meet me now, they laugh when I describe myself that way. They usually say- “I would call you a more ‘laid back, go with the flow’ person with lots of energy and enthusiasm”….It makes me laugh every time and reminds me that what I see on the outside of people may not actually be the reality of what is on their insides. The true reality of me is that I am a recovering perfectionist that will beat myself up if I have not done everything perfectly right (if I am not maintaining my spiritual program and health) and that has buzzing anxiety always around me as a consequence of some hard traumas in my child and adult life. I am so grateful that what my outsides look like do not match my insides.

If there are any young readers, the true secret of adulthood, is that you never actually feel like an adult. Everyone feels like an imposter making it up as they go along. I know these things because because I’m wicked smaht!!

Stay tuned for more updates and posting!