The Perkins Letters

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Hi everyone- sorry it has been so long since I’ve written. I am delirious from lack of sleep. I was on call last week and was woken up all night long and I have been working overtime all month. Plus I have insomnia so sometimes I don't sleep. I have Thursday off and hope to get some rest. Consequently I have not had time to update the blog. My editor has ghosted me so I assume she thought we were a bad fit; I’m going to have to reach out to other people. I want to get some chapters polished so I can start pitching to publishing companies. I need someone to help organize what I’ve written- but so far I have 200 pages. I guess I should give myself a break. 

Unfortunately one of the pages of the next letter is blurry and I am at my brother’s house in Greensboro tonight (so I don’t have to drive because I probably would fall asleep at the wheel), so I cannot rescan it. However, my Granddad is super cute in it talking about how much he misses my Grandma. Of note he talks about picking tobacco- his family grew it. He also talks about being paid for his writing for a Quaker newsletter for the first time and they paid him $4. Inflation is a real thing!

I hope everyone is practicing self care. I am so excited Biden is doing so many amazing things already, including lifting the trans ban in the military! I am already feeling my anxiety improving having him and Kamala back in charge. Times, they are a’changing.