The Perkins Letters

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I wanna walk and not run, I wanna skip and not fall…

I had a successfully productive day today in my hotel room with the rain pouring down outside. Sometimes traveling for work can be a blessing in disguise because it takes away all distractions and I am able to just buckle down and get some work done. Do not worry, I did make sure to catch the littlest glimmer of the sun and the ocean before the sunset.

It is interesting that there’s so much talk about track in the following letter and here I am, still trudging along and running in my 30’s. My running certainly looks different than it did when I was in high school but it still gives me the same emotional and spiritual healing that I need. I’m so grateful I found running in my early years and have continued the practice into adulthood as a source of exercise and therapy. 

The other thing I want to point out is Tiffany was debating same sex marriage before she knew she was gay.  Also, she was struggling with the cognitive dissonance of respecting a person who has opposing moral beliefs. I am still walking the fine line of love and tolerance but not accepting poor behavior. Tiffany was an old soul from the start. 

Dear Jen,

I have just had the best day! My day began with science, which usually sucks but I got a 100 on a Movie summary that I spent no time on. Usually I spend several hours writing a 3 page report and only get a 90, but today I got a 100 on a page and a half piece of crap, but I’m not complaining. Then, after school at track practice, Liz Kivus and I had a great run. Usually we have to jog in a group at a ridiculously slow pace but today we unintentionally ditched the group and went off on our own. We ran so hard for 45 minutes that I thought I was going to pass out, but it felt soooo good! It was the first time in a long time that I felt truly happy. I know that is a very simple word to describe how I was feeling but how can you describe that kind of high? Exhilarating, extraordinary, magnificent- take your pick.

Well, I got your letter and I am very happy that everything is going well there.  I wish I got along with my step family like you do. I can’t even talk with my step mother without an all out war. Oh well, I’m sure I’m not missing out on much not talking with her. All I could really learn is what not to do and how not to act. 

You are so lucky to be out of Chupevite’s[?] class, it has gotten so hard. For me the physics part was really easy but now we are having to memorize things and answer essay questions. My major problem isn’t really the difficulty of the information but finding the times to study. Track takes so much time and driver’s Ed monopolizes 4 hours a night (of the year, I’m taking driver’s ed). So I have no time to study. I only have a couple more weeks so I’ll get through it (It could be worse?)

So why is your math class so hard. Even with missing a chapter [?] I can’t think of one that carries so much weight that the rest of your year is ruined. I think math is one of the few classes I am truly doing well in, that and IAG. I really think you missed out on something great not taking IAG. I absolutely love the class and the teacher. It is so loose, I love it. My favorite part of the class are the debates. Bethany Walther is in my class who is on the exact opposite and if the political scale, I am about as far to the left as you can and she is off the chart to the right. Yesterday we got into a religious battle over the rights of gays to get married. She says that it’s morally wrong and against the Bible, however, any type of discricimination is against my morals and every principle I have my life in. It’s shocking how we disagree on just about every topic- abortion, gay rights, trust in government- but I consider her one of my better friends.

Anyway, I think you should take this class next year. 

So, how’s track going for you? I’m sure the weather down there is wonderful, up here it’s cold. Is the caliber of competition much different down there? I heard