The Perkins Letters

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Not Going to Miss My Shot

Can we sit with that please? Can we take a moment of silence for those who have lost their lives to COVID, many of which could have been prevented if we had had better leadership and better public health messaging. I know that is controversial to say, but I am feeling controversial tonight. It didn’t have to be this way. Australia and New Zealand show us that with proper social distancing, mask wearing, testing and the like, this pandemic could be controlled even without a vaccine.

It doesn’t help that I am getting close to a grant deadline that I’m working on as a side hustle and I’m still trying to frantically type all the stories down for this manuscript in my evenings. It is also the start to a new semester of school in which I am a Clinical Instructor so have lots on my plate for that. I guess I should give myself a break. 

I am experiencing all the feels today- gratitude, anger, hope, grief, joy...thank goodness I can be present for all of it. My Grandfather’s latest postcard shows he was trying hard to see my Gram in between train stops, but didn’t work out. Oh, the simpler times then. Ha! I think each generation had their own struggles. Technology has been a blessing and a curse in regards to geocaching, but I know he sure did miss my Gram when they were a part.