The Perkins Letters

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South Sudan Update

Hi my lovely readers!

I am so sorry it has been 2 weeks since my last update! I have a blog post pending that is awaiting approval from the security team of Doctors Without Borders (MSF). Until then, there are some current events that have happened since I have been here that I guess I can share now that there has been a news story about it. I’m going to give the link to the article below but will also copy excerpts that specifically talks about my colleagues. One of the hospitals in Agok is a site I sometimes go to. I do want to say that I was nowhere near any of the events listed in the story. However, there is a reason MSF is in this country and part of it is because of this kind of violence that affects our patients everyday!

“On February 28, unidentified gunmen attacked seven staff members of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) on the road outside Yei, robbed them, and burnt two MSF vehicles, forcing the aid organization to suspend operations in areas outside the city.”

“On February 10, a nurse with MSF and at least 20 other civilians were killed, and several others injured, in Agok town when fighting broke out between communities from Twic, Warrap State, and the Abyei Administrative Area. The fighting displaced at least 70,000 civilians to Abyei town and forced aid groups to suspend operations.” -Nyagoah Tut Pur

This is a picture from the article and is actually of the hospital I am currently at in Old Fangok, South Sudan! More to be revealed once everything gets approved!