The Perkins Letters

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The Mountains are Calling…

No filter necessary…

I had the pleasure of spending the weekend at my step-momma’s house in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. Anita spoke often when I was growing up about her desire to retire to the mountains and she has fulfilled her dream before she is even able to retire! She lives in a beautiful gated community that includes stables, hiking trails, a lodge with pool, fitness center and panoramic mountain views. It is incredible! I mean, people pay to vacation in places like this and she lives here! I do feel sorry for her that she isn’t retired yet. She and her new husband, John (not my father, long story…), built this house several years ago and were only using it on the weekends and were living outside of Greensboro. However, when Covid hit, the world changed for us all!

My step-momma has always played a huge role in my life. If you are a long time reader, you have heard me discuss the complications in our relationship, predominately because she and my father are no longer married. However, we make it work and are making it up as we go. She is why I am a nurse and she mothered me throughout much of my childhood. We do not get to see each other often, but try to stay in touch at least by phone. It doesn’t matter how much time goes by, we pick up exactly as we left off. She and I are very alike and are interested in similar things. We have similar tastes in food, music, gardening, shopping, clothes, books, you name it! So it is always a breath of fresh air when we can see each other in person.

This was us almost a year ago before I left for my mission with Doctors Without Borders!

The last time we saw each other was over a year ago when I thought I was about to go to Malawi for 6 months, when in fact that trip was canceled, the subsequent trip to Myanmar never came to fruition and instead, I spent four months in South Sudan. We had a lot to catch up on. 

Anita is very similar to Martha Stewart. Every meal she prepares is restaurant style- her decor is magazine ready and she can put anyone to shame with her hosting skills. She has a green thumb and taught me a lot about bird feeders and their care. I have so many lovely memories of my childhood with her, in the kitchen making scones or cherry preserves, drinking tea in a fancy tea room, picking cherries with her at a random cherry orchard one Saturday, vacationing with her at Okracoke Island… Visiting Anita is like entering into another universe and I always leave feeling refreshed and recharged. This weekend has not been any different.

Homemade Caesar salad from last night…

I got in late Friday night after working in Raleigh for PP (after working in Charlotte the day before). We got up fairly early on Saturday, had a hearty (and fancy) breakfast and then headed out with her labradoodle, Ginger to Linnsville Falls. We stopped off at a general store with a gas station in which I subsequently spent over $200 buying presents for all the littles in my life. I love myself a general store.

Anita, Ginger and I hiked to a gorgeous view of the falls. Ginger was quite the social equalizer and we made friends wherever we went. The weather was in the 70s and was quite enjoyable. We saw so many wild flowers growing along the trail, as well as wild mushrooms in many shades of color. I really wanted to harvest some of the mushrooms but I am always hesitant to pick them, knowing there are so many poisonous varieties. 

After returning with all our goodies we had acquired, we decided to change and put on bathing suits for the salt water pool that is at the lodge in their gated community. My step-sister, Meagan, was married at that lodge almost exactly five years ago. It has the most gorgeous panoramic views of the Blue Ridge Mountains! There were other people at the pool, but it did not take away from the luscious, vacation vibe my step momma and I were putting out there. We gabbed away, enjoying the view and the company. I again am so glad she and I have been able to keep our relationship intact. 

Can you even take it? This is truly heave on Earth!

After pool time, we once again consumed the most delicious cuisine, made by Anita, chef extraordinaire! Yes, I had seconds. I also consumed her homemade tangerine ice cream on a cone, y’all! She certainly knows how to host! It brought back memories of my great Aunt Connie, sister to the world famous Eugenia Perkins, my grandmother, who used to make caramel ice cream from scratch and other flavors as well. She died tragically in a white water tubing accident, which is why whenever anyone tries to get me on a white water tubing trip, I offer to meet them at the bottom of the river. 

This salmon had a cherry stroganoff sauce on top of it and I may have hummed as I ate two servings…

I ended up using their state of the art gym at about 10 pm at the lodge. I had the entire building to myself and had an excellent work out. I want to digress a bit to say- working out for me (mostly running or using the elliptical), has always been about maintaining my mental health and feeling strong. I have long accepted my body for what it is and have even learned to love some of the parts I used to want to change. Instead of hating my large thighs and calves, I now realize how strong they are and am grateful they can carry me on long hikes with Nina or on long runs through the trails of my beloved Eno. Weight loss has become a neutral issue to me. It has had to become that because I have struggled with an eating disorder for a lot of my life. I think of it like my alcoholism, it is at this moment sated, but without constant daily treatment, it can always relapse into active addiction or disordered eating. All that to say, I have worked really hard at enjoying food, not labeling anything as good or bad, but only appreciating how the food makes my body feel. I do not punish myself anymore for eating dessert or getting fries as my side. I know that if I listen to what my body wants, my diet will always equal a healthy balance of nutrients and comfort food.

Can you even handle this master bathroom?!

I made it back to the house around midnight to my step parents still awake, watching netflix! I was impressed! It certainly was way past my bedtime! I crashed into the billowing softness of their guest bed and awoke early this Sunday morning to the sound of birds chirping and the scent of the cool mountain air. I always said I would retire to the mountains someday, but I may move in with my step momma now instead! I love the beach and ocean but the mountains truly feed my soul. Have a happy Sunday everyone! Next weekend Nik and I are going to Kenya!!!

My sad attempt of capturing one of the many hummingbirds on the front porch