About this Website

The purpose of this website has changed from when I first created it.

It began as a way to document my journey of discovering a box of letters my Grandparents wrote to each other in the 1940’s during their first year of dating and first year of marriage, juxtaposed with me remembering my own box of letters I have from my first love, in the 1990’s. I am currently writing a manuscript, which I hope to publish someday.

However, the site has evolved to now talk about my journey of working with Doctors Without Borders (MSF) during my 12 month mission in South Sudan and my day to day life. It is a way family and friends can stay updated.

Please enjoy and leave comments! This is for my grandparents and their great love story.

The huts in South Sudan where I live during 2022

The box of letters found in my Grandmother’s room

The box of letters found in my Grandmother’s room in 2020