A long sleep

I once again wasn’t going to write because it had been a long day at work. Clinic ran very late and I was in the mountains and had to drive home. I decided to stop halfway and spend the night at my twin’s apartment. He has his kids this weekend and I love spending time with them. I caffeinated myself enough to get to his house and had a couple hours of bonding with them before bedtime. As we were getting ready to read Matilida aloud, my phone rang and my Grandmother’s nursing home flashed across the screen. I answered it on speaker phone as we were all cuddled up in the bunk bed, awaiting sleep.

“Is this Jennifer?”

“Yes, this is she? Is my Grandmother alright?”

“I have a note here to update you on the status of your grandmother. She just went to sleep after eating ice cream and washing up.”

“So you’re saying she had a good day today?”

“Oh yes, she was perfectly fine.”

We went on to share our war stories of night shift since I am a nurse and am definitely not cut out for the late night shift- I appreciate those that do it but it is horrible for your body and I could never sleep during the day. We ended the call and facetimed my wife, Nikki, so she could read the chapter with us. Because I travel so much for work, we get creative so as to feel we aren’t too far away. We finished the chapter and all is well.

Can you believe just yesterday I thought my Gram was going to breathe her last breath and now she is just as was. She’s gotten her first Covid vaccine. I am scheduled next week and my wife got her second dose. She may just survive this pandemic after all. Higher Power certainly has a sense of humor and seems to have a plan for her. But man, her body is tired. These hibernation times are becoming longer and longer. We don’t talk about end of life enough in our society, in my opinion. I think we should take the fear out of it. Lord knows my Gram has been talking about her demise for 20-30 years now. I have no idea how much time I have left but I do believe everything is unfolding as it should.

I will leave you with the next set of letters. My Grandfather speaks so much of missing her and wishing she would be there for the next trip. You guys…they got 65ish years together. I hope we are all that blessed.


The Longest Day


Gilbert Cofer