Best friend with benefits


Today I was able to visit my Gram before I went into work- her pastor met me there and we had a lovely, however short visit. My gram broke my heart a bit today. She kept saying how lonely she is during COVID because she is stuck in her room by herself all the time. She said “It feels like I’m only half alive!” She started crying and said she missed everyone. I am hoping now that I am vaccinated and she is vaccinated, her retirement home will let us do in person visits so we can actually touch each other. Until then, I will keep showing up to the window (even when it is freezing rain like today). We attempted to interview her about being a Quaker for a book that is being written but she kept saying her memory was “fuzzy” ever since she fell and hit her head a month ago. 

I am including the next letters- it actually was written the day I left Tiffany to go to NC for 3 weeks to visit my dad. Remember, we do not know that we both love each other at this point. I still thought she was my very best friend, who I loved to pet my head for hours and who I slept with every night. Normal stuff, you know. :) I have no idea what I wrote in her yearbook that I wanted her to read so badly. Also, we were obsessed with The Little Prince, which is why I draw roses all over her letters.

I’m not sure if I told you all this, but I did contact Tiffany and ask permission to share our story. She has been very gracious and told me to “share away”. I would never have done this project if she wasn’t comfortable with this. She and I, although don’t talk much anymore, still hold each other in the highest esteem (or at least I do for her). Even though we did not end up together, I am so happy she is happy and will forever be grateful that I had her to come out of the closet with!

Tif, Kara Healey and me, Varsity Girls Basketball. I was the manager so I could travel with them to away games since Tif’s mom wouldn’t let us see each other outside of school.

Tif, Kara Healey and me, Varsity Girls Basketball. I was the manager so I could travel with them to away games since Tif’s mom wouldn’t let us see each other outside of school.


Letters upon letters


Oh wouldn’t it be loverly?