Perkins Christmas

This next letter has me feeling all the feels but maybe it is just that time of year where everything feels magical and possible and everyone seems hopeful and blissful. OK, I know not everyone loves the holiday season as much as I do, but I am feeling it to the tenth degree this year. I think with all the horribleness of 2020 and hope for change- this season feels so much bigger. It doesn’t help that I’m buried in these super sweet letters my Granddad wrote to my Gram while they were dating. He was so sweet! I know it is more difficult to read his words with his script but I kind of love the rolling curves, thinking of his pen, touching the same paper. It feels more magical, just like Christmas time…

I am counting the time until we can be together. There are so many things we must talk over and I, above everything else, want to be with you.

Sweet dreams and lots of love,


He was so good! What a Casanova he was! And I am just gobbling it up like the sentimental schmuck I am. It is just incredible! Thank you Granddaddy Perkins for these words that have lived on and are still so beautiful. 

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Rainbow Prom

