Day 4 #tojuneauorbust2022

Heavily Caffeinated for our next leg…

6:50 AM MST

I am including the beautiful and cute itinerary Nikki created for us. Feel free to send overnight letters (if even possible) at this point to our hotels addressed to us. I cannot write too much more because I want to hit the road quickly so we can take advantage to as much daylight as possible! However, enjoy these things to follow along with us on our trip…

My Uncle David’s Love Language…

…The Verizon cell service map in the most remote parts of our Canadian route, courtesy of my very close friend, Sam. ;) This is her love language too…you may not hear much from us on our last day of driving

My new address in Juneau is: 6012 Sunset st. Juneau, Alaska 99801

The shero of the day! Diane, from Hilton Garden Inn, Fargo, North Dakota

Feel free to send any surprises there to meet us as well! My mom beat you to my first piece of mail there. I only just realized the address is sunset st and if you have read previous posts you will understand the significance of 🌅 sunrises and 🌇 sunsets in my life so it all feels very HP to me that I am on the right path!

Breakfast for the road!

Extra love from Diane, my waitress this morning with free food!!! Always tip your food service workers extra and learn their names! They are people too!

11: 50 pm MST

****I wanted to give the background story of our shero of the day…****

Jeannette and I really did a better job getting up and out this morning. This included me getting us breakfast to go. My father owned a catering business for 20 years and I spent much of my childhood doing free labor for him. This meant I learned how important it was when people treated me nicely when I was serving them. When I became a nurse, I always said that even though I have never had an actual waitressing job, nursing can very much feel like it is one. So I get chatty with people and ask their names always. Typically, when one is treated like a human, then one responds in the same and I am rarely disappointed by the benefits I reap of what I think should be common courtesy. Diane at Fargo, Hilton Garden Inn not only provided amazing and quick service, she also threw in some extra snacks and waters for our trip. We were both commenting on the ginormous team of high school wrestlers that were leaving the lobby and she said she has always found wrestlers to be nicer than hockey players in how they treat service people. For some reason, they seem more polite to her. I have a fondness for wrestlers because of my favorite author, John Irving, who has written things like ‘Cider House Rules’ or ‘A Prayer for Owen Meany’ or my favorite, ‘A Hotel New Hampshire’. He was a wrestler and without fail there is some wrestling theme in each book.

Anywho, I gave her the name of my blog and got her permission to write about our interaction and post a photo. Thank you Diane for being wonderfully kind!

I will continue on my next post…

Love you all!!


Day 4 cont…#tojuneauorbust2022


Day 3 #tojuneauorbust