Day 6 #tojuneauorbust

1/11/23 7:30 am Juneau time

Hello my dear readers! I have been unable to update on the last couple days of our journey because the last couple of days were when we were going to hit the most dangerous areas of the drive, so I wanted to be present to help Jeanette with all the driving. We got lucky and had no bad weather on the entire trip and we are badass women that can drive for very long distances without taking a break!


8.10 am Juneau time

Each day that I am in Juneau and have more time to reflect on the things that had to fall into place to get me here, I realize more and more that I could never have gotten to where I am without people supporting me and encouraging me. I am so grateful I have no anxiety about these big changes. Instead, I feel peace and acceptance that I am on the right path! My dad is coming next week for 2 week. Nina will be happy to have some company during the day. It will be nice for me to have some distractions in my free time as well, hopefully to keep me on task. My to-do list keeps growing and I cannot seem to get caught up! Everything is going so well, though. I have signed up for the coed company Volleyball team, I have been chosen for a group for Trivia Night, there’s karaoke night happening at some point. I am staying busy. I am trying to maintain that work-life balance of work and leisure- especially since my work doesn’t feel like work! Sean and I went to a s’more queer campfire meetup on Saturday and I was able to network and explain some of the services we’ll be able to offer once we get our licenses approved for Alaska. That is the only thing that is slowing down progress. I am trying not to freak out about it; but go with with flow. We will see how long I can continue with that kind of laid back, serene attitude. I will just be grateful for it right now!

When I last left you, Jeanette and I had stopped at the only dog friendly place in Saksakestahow, Canada. But boy, was it a dog friendly hotel! They had pictures in their break room of all the dogs that have visited. They had treats at the ready. They really did make me feel comfortable having Nina there. The attendant that worked night shift is the sister-in-law of the owner of this franchise. She said she is responsible for homemade breakfast the following morning, so I should look forward to it! It was homemade and delicious and I was sad I could not hug her goodbye, but she had already retired for the day. The morning staff had taken over and knew all about me and Nina. It really felt very special.

We hopped in the car, a little lighter, a little more efficient and a little less tired and hungry.


Day 7 #tojuneauorbust


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