Flower Bulbs and Bossy Grandmothers

I think I have finally caught up on sleep and am a normal person again (or as normal as I ever was!). Today I surprised my Gram with a lot of visitors for our window visit! My twin, Jake came, as well as my Dad, Sam and my Aunt Sarah! Grammy was ful…

I think I have finally caught up on sleep and am a normal person again (or as normal as I ever was!). Today I surprised my Gram with a lot of visitors for our window visit! My twin, Jake came, as well as my Dad, Sam and my Aunt Sarah! Grammy was full of smiles and was quite talkative for the hour we were there. It was apparent as the hour was coming to a close that we had worn her out which was exactly what I was hoping to do. (I feel like when I’m trying to wear out my dog so she doesn’t chew my favorite shoes or when parents try to get their kids to run around outside so they’ll be tired for bedtime.) Oh, the circle of life.

Carrying on….My grandmother immediately gave me two containers that she wanted me to take home. She’s been doing this for years- having me take an odd nick naik that she wants me to have after she dies but she can’t seem to wait to give to me. I thi…

Carrying on….My grandmother immediately gave me two containers that she wanted me to take home. She’s been doing this for years- having me take an odd nick naik that she wants me to have after she dies but she can’t seem to wait to give to me. I think she has a fear we will all be fighting over her stuff or something. Nowadays, all her nice stuff is already tucked away either at my house or in storage, so the things she gives me normally are junk. It’s the thought that counts.

She gave me strict instructions on what to do with the two containers and repeated it about 10 times, asking if I understood and if it made sense. It took me awhile to truly understand why she wanted me to do the steps in the order that she did, but…

She gave me strict instructions on what to do with the two containers and repeated it about 10 times, asking if I understood and if it made sense. It took me awhile to truly understand why she wanted me to do the steps in the order that she did, but as you will see, she has a masterplan. I will share it with you.

  1. I am to give the smaller container to my “husband” (I think she purposely messes up on this now and Nik loves it!) and drop her off at a flower shop where she is to pick out two bulbs to grow.

  2. I am to go to a separate garden store (weird right?), where I am to pick out three flower bulbs (only because my container is bigger) to grow.

  3. Next we plant them and don’t tell the other person what we choose. She wants it to be a surprise as to what we both picked out. I think she overestimates our gardening abilities, but we’ll see what happens. My Grandfather was the gardener and could make any dying potted plant come back to life again. 

I miss him a lot right now but his letters make me feel like he is close by. He writes of his traveling minister days while my Gram is teaching. Looks like he was dragging her into the Quaker religion too and having her help with his ministry. So cute. I also love how he apologized for being so grumpy in his last letter. 



Life in Bubbles

