Happy Hanukkah!

It is the first day of Hanukkah and I want to honor it hear for all my friends who are celebrating! I love this time of year so much. Everything feels lighter; people smile at each other more and there seems to be more giving and less receiving. I just adore it so- I always have.

I have been writing up a storm with my manuscript. The words seem to flow out of my fingers onto the keyboard. I wish I could just hole up in a room for a week and write, write, write. Alas, I have a day job (that I adore), so I must have balance and only write in the evenings and weekends. I can’t wait to share it all with you. I am writing some really personal things but I hope it will perhaps help someone who is going through their own struggles know they are not alone.

I am including the next letter from my grandparents. I love this one so much. In it, my grandfather talks about introducing my Gram to his family. He actually wasn’t there the first time! Can you believe it! I bet my Gram was so nervous to meet them all! I think she was a hit, though.

My favorite paragraph says “I am so glad that you came to the bus station yesterday when I was leaving. I like to think of you in the sweet and happy expression which you had. That is a good way to remember. I am thinking of you practically all of the time…”

Enjoy this very sweet letter and everyone light your first candle on the menorah!




Walking in a Winter Wonderland