The Hen House

chicken coop.jpg

I had lovely day with my littles as we continued the chicken coop project. I use child labor at my house but I pay in snacks and tickles so it all seems to work out. Luckily the weather cooperated enough for us to have an industrious day! Have no fear, we made sure to include silliness, messiness and a whole lot of laughter. My soul needed this today and I feel rejuvenated to lean into the continued mess of the outside world.


The neighbors kept stopping by to ask what the project was. They all seem very excited about the fresh eggs and also grateful that I am not getting a rooster for these chickens, less loud). My great grandparents had chickens and a farm and sold their eggs at farmer’s market-type place so I feel as if I am just continuing the work of my ancestors, with a little Auntie Jen flaire.


This little one was very serious about our project and wanted to make sure we were really done and offered to return the next day for more help it needed. He’s lucky I’ve got a program today that prevents me from taking advantage of that sweetness!


Right here and right now, things are ok! Ok, probably more than ok. Life is good. Alright I will leave you with pictures and the latest letter, which is still me away for three weeks in NC, pining to get back to my “friend” in Maine.


I’m getting older too..

