Georgia on My Mind…


You guys! I just found out about two other sets of letters from my relatives! First, it sounds like there are letters from my Grandmother’s parents to each other- the Echerds which would be in the 1800s. This could be antebellum period. My grandma was Southern Baptist so this could be some hard stuff to is quite serendipitous as I’m devouring Caste by Isabel Wilkerson. I had a surprise day off from work so I have been reading and writing on my screened-in porch under a pile of blankets, loving the NC winter weather with my dog by my side. It has been a luscious day that I am so grateful for. It would be remiss of me not to mention the Georgia elections today as well. White supremacy and patriarchy are being fought in our present day as the history of my ancestors swirl around me in my work with the letters. It is incredible the timing of it all.


The second set of letters are from my Great Uncle Connolly (from my Gram’s side again) who was a medic in WWI and he corresponded with the family. I cannot wait to get my hands on them! My grandfather would be so pleased to know of my interest and that we are setting it down into text so it will be remembered always.

We must never forget our past or history, or we will surely repeat it. I do believe that love will win. It must. We must continue to fight the patriarchal, white supremist attitudes in which we have been tethered by for all these years in these Great United States. I truly believe the victor will be democracy and I believe we were all created equal no matter the caste, color, creed or orientation. 

Can I get an Amen?

Love you to all.


Tis a gift to be simple, tis a gift to be free…


January letters