January letters

The next section of letters jumps a few months. My grandparents were married in November and the next letter is in January. My grandfather was a Quaker minister and was traveling a lot for this job. My grandmother taught first grade in Greensboro.

I was contacted by a second cousin today- she is the daughter of my Grandfather’s brother. I don’t think we have ever met before, but my uncle must have given her the information to my blog. Well, she said my Great Uncle Kimrey, my grandfather’s brother was always proud of me. I didn’t have much of a relationship with him, so it is so nice to hear that. He reminded me most of my grandfather after he died- they looked so much a like and had the same mannerisms. It felt like my grandfather was with me when I was around him. This project has done so much more than I set out for it to. It has led to some amazing healing of past wounds and I have grown closer to relatives that I drifted a part from. Even if nothing comes of it, it has already given me so many blessings.

Speaking of this project- I have a meeting with a potential editor on Thursday this week. We are going to discuss having her edit a few chapters of what I’ve done so far and help me with my book proposal to present to publishing companies! I was introduced to her by the Godmother of a coworker and she seems like a big deal! So we’ll see if this little project may actually get published!

I’m going to include the next letter in the series. It is actually dated in January of 1947, so it feels like we are all experiencing the same year together. I hope everyone stays safe and warm! Please notice how my Grandfather says he misses falling asleep holding my grandmother’s hand and that he wanted to read scripture with her before bed. He also talks about her sneaking a note into his suitcase. I wish I had her notes to read as well. They were so cute!


Georgia on My Mind…


The greatest thing you’ll ever learn