The greatest thing you’ll ever learn

The greatest thing you'll ever learn

Is just to love and be loved in return

I don’t mean to get all sappy with you all, but I am going to get sappy with you all. I mean, I am writing a book about some great love stories, so you were warned. I heard the above quote the first time when watching Moulin Rouge with my first girlfriend, Tiffany. We may not have even been actual girlfriends at the time, maybe just best friends who slept in each other’s bed every night and liked to cuddle and rub each other’s hair. I mean, everyone did that right? Right?! 

Ok, I’m going to get back on track- Moulin Rouge, I was destined to love it because I was a glee club nerd that loved any musical I could get my hands on. And then, it was a movie about two star crossed lovers that had to keep their relationship a secret, with Nicole Kidman and some amazing lady marmalade action, so I was pretty much a fan. And those lyrics are so apropos for everything right now. In the season of giving, rather than receiving and my hope to live the Saint Francis Prayer, the next letter in the series hits the mark of all things romance. A friend of my Gram writes to her saying, “Having someone to love and  be loved by is the greatest incentive in the world and I know you have picked a splendid man for your life partner….He said he would like to shake the hand of your husband, for he he too is a Quaker by faith. We were married by a Quaker minister. “

Ugh..this just gets me in my sentimental heart. I continue to watch more and more streaming content that has gayness in its mainstream formula and it is a bit unnerving. I have never felt more seen and understood. This must be what the straights feel like every day! There are people like me out there doing the same things I am doing. I am not weird or crazy (at least not in my sexuality sphere of life). I am going to leave you with this. If you ever get to experience one big love in your life, consider yourself so very lucky. I’ve been blessed to have to have had two. I’m not sure how I got some extra pie from you all, but know I am incredibly grateful and honored to have experienced it in this crazy little thing called life.


January letters


Should old acquaintance be forgot?