I’ve been kissed by a rose on the gray…


Good evening my dear readers. The weather is crazy all over the United States. I currently have a weekend planned with one of my nieces...so it should be luscious. I wish I could scoop them all up and have “Aunt Camp” for a week of fun and pandemonium . I have some news. I have always wanted to do international nursing. I have been on several short trips and have loved it. I applied to Doctors Without Borders three years ago. They declined my application, saying they needed more French speaking folks at the time. I speak some Spanish but no French. So I went on with my life, assuming the universe didn’t want me to do it after all. Well, a couple weeks ago a patient came to have a physical completed for her mission with Doctors Without Borders. I told her my previous plight and she said that they are opening up the requirements and suggested I apply again. I told the patient I would think about it. The very next day I received an email from Doctors Without Borders saying that I had applied previously and asked me to reapply. So I did. And now I have a phone interview with them at the end of March. So we will see where the universe will send me. Quite literally.


These letters share more than I would have wanted to, but this is part of the process. I will give context- at this point I am a Sophomore in High School and have dated a few boys but just seem to be pulled to this dear friend of mine, Tiffany. It is so obvious I am struggling with my feelings with her in this letter. It makes me uncomfortable reading little Jenny’s words, knowing what the future brings. I had recently moved out of my mom’s house in Maine, but was currently visiting my Dad and step-mom, Anita, in NC for three weeks. Apparently, that was too long to be away from each other. My step-momma says this is the time she knew I loved Tiffany, but she felt I needed to figure it out on my own. I couldn’t understand why I was missing my friend so much. Then I talk about her hands in my hair….I mean, it seems so obvious to me now, but hindsight is 20/20. I really had no idea at that moment that I was in love with this “girl friend”.


I don’t know if it is discernible to the reader but I am also struggling with sexuality and there are some #metoo innuendos sprinkled in. I won’t go into them now- I’m trying to decide how much to include in my manuscript. So we shall see what the finished product includes.


Oh wouldn’t it be loverly?


Dear Tiffany…