Several reasons why I love vaccines…


I have had a crazy couple of days since I last left you. A highlight was getting my second Covid vaccine. You’ll see vaccines come up in my Grandfather’s letter and I am sooo grateful for science and my privilege of having access to the COVID vaccine when there are so many others still waiting for their shot (pun intended). I won’t tell you the lowlights of the past couple days because it is not my story to tell, really. Let’s just say I am grateful for my own continued sobriety and the program I use to keep me that way.

After getting such good feedback about transcribing the letters out for you all, (I’m assuming my older readership appreciates it more than the young, but maybe I’m being ageist), I am continuing doing that from here on out. This next letter had a postcard inside the envelope with the letter. Looks like he was writing down stuff quickly and then found he had more time to finish up the letter. 

Of note, I was surprised that he mentioned polio in his letter and had to check when the vaccine came into existence. In case you all were interested, the first vaccine was in 1955 in the US and we have been polio free since 1979, however other countries still have polio, which is why we still get vaccinated. Yay vaccines! (

I love all his talk about his brothers and sister- especially Martha having a nervous breakdown over wedding planning, Thurman buying a car from Khan and the joint work on the farm even though they all had their own lives and jobs at the time. These letters are such an amazing snapshot into their early lives.

Dearest Eugenia,                                                                                 Tuesday 7:30 Pm

We are missing you a great deal. Even Eva said she misses my “old lady”. I hope you are not working too hard.

I am going to Goldsboro tonight with Marth and Ben when they go in to see Phil Griffin about the church. The announcement is supposed to be in the papers on Sunday Week- just a brief one with no pictures. She is all excited and if she keeps at the present pace she will have a nervous breakdown before then.

Yesterday I had a nice trip down with myself and the radio. I stopped at Dr. William’s, Joy’s and Chapel Hill, resting altogether four hours on the way. Kimrey was very excited because his roommate was giving an organ recital last night. Thurman is to go to Greensboro Saturday. He says he has a nice place to live near school. He has bought Khan’s car for $1,000.

We worked on the tobacco today and finished the pile. Khan has a job on the market for 4 weeks at $50[?] a week. He seems to get along fine adding the figures in the office.

Tomorrow or next day we plan to can some more butter beans. They had 19 quarts to sell last Saturday, but they did not sell so well so they are not planning to sell this week. There seem to be more than ever. We are also planning to go visiting some too.  

I haven’t seen Paulina yet. They are working tobacco also.

Laurence Ross [I think that is the name] has polio, but they do not know how serious it is yet. I did not know until I got to Chapel Hill. I didn’t get to see Kenneth. I saw Donal Hayman. He was walking across the campus. His wife and daughter have gone to Kansas for two months.

I’ll have to be done now. Eva says she loves you and I do too!

Take care of yourself and get as much rest as you can.

                      Love Always,


Dearest,                                                                     5:45 PM

I am in Clayton. Have stopped several places on the way. Kenneth Ross told Kimrey that Laurence has polio and how serious is not known yet. Has been sick for over a week. Thurman has bough Khan’s care. T. has a place to leave near his school. The roommate was to give an organ recital tonight, but I decided not to stay. Take care of yourself. 

Love, Ted

I will add the actual letters below.


Afternoon Tea


The Rain in Spain