Afternoon Tea

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I had the most luscious day off yesterday! I haven’t had many of those, especially during the week since work has been crazy. I was going to post last night but my sweet Aunt Sarah instructed me to take the night off- so I took her advice. I don’t have to be into clinic until a little later this morning so hope to get this off to you before I leave.

I had a rushed morning of appointments that were rescheduled from last week due to an emergency coverage issue for work (if you don’t know about the SC abortion ban happening right now, you should look into it). What this meant however is that after a scramble of event to event I found myself unexpectedly with an afternoon free with nothing on my schedule. I didn’t even have any papers to grade for my other job! So I checked in my dear friends who are trying to sell their house while also buying a new, bigger house that will accommodate parents who will be babysitters for some of my littles (that’s what I affectionately call any of my nieces or nephews, it takes the gender out of it). Well, they needed a break so I scooped up my littlest littles and had an impromptu tea party at my house! My step-momma, Anita taught me the lavish healing nature of a little tea and crumpet and I have several of her tea sets that she gifted to me when she was downsizing. 

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What made it even more special is my sweet mother-in-law, Marie, had sent Nik and me chocolate covered strawberries in the mail and a mutual friends’ kid was having a zoom afternoon tea birthday party. So much serendipity happened to make it THE best afternoon. As you can see.

Next, as I promised before, I transcribed the latest letter from my Grandfather to my Gram. This was still early years into their marriage and they were separated because my Gram taught school in Greensboro and my Grandfather was a traveling Quaker minister and went home to Goldsboro to help on his family’s farm. So cute. You can’t make this stuff up!

        April 8, 1950


I got home last night about five o'clock- stopping at Albert’s on the way. Elaine looks much better and seems like she feels better. Her eyes look more brown than I had noticed before. Thurman, Mama, and Eva were there when I arrived. It was Eva’s 59th birthday- tomorrow is Martha’s.

I slept in the front room with Thurman last night- that is I listened to him snore!

This morning Dad and I went to look over Momma’s woods above Neuse. After that we went to see the lupines which are beginning to open. Then we went to see the power plant in the Quaker Neck. 

Earlier in the morning we went to see the tobacco beds. They are very nice except for some blue mold. To my surprise I found some greens [?] growing there. Dad thinks they came by way of hay seed. The dogwoods are getting pretty some. The crab apples are beginning to open. The yellow jasmine are growing also.

The flowers in the pit are beautiful. We are getting things ready to plan the pit flowers by the kitchen and dining room windows- The amoleous is getting ready to bloom. The camellia is still blooming- the cuttings are all growing.

Thurman and Kimrey are to go to Martha’s for the night and tomorrow. I don’t think that I’ll go since they are to spend the nights. They will take the things.-

Edith and John Truiette came yesterday. She had left her purse in Thurman's car. He seems full [?] but Mama said that was much better than he was when he came last time. 

Get plenty of rest. I hope to see you on Tuesday night.

                                             Love always,


Dear Eugenia,                                                                        4:40 PM

I am now in Durham after having stopped in Statevills (PO), Virgil Pikin, H.P.C.(saw no one), Allen Jay, and T.L., also Kimrey’s but he was gone. Have had no car trouble and will soon be home. The azaleas red buds and dogwoods are beautiful though the latter are not far along. Sarah O. seemed glad to see me. Please get lots of rest.

                                                 Love, Ted

Just a few things about these letters since I need to go to work- this letter is so my Grandfather. Whenever I spent time with him, he was constantly commenting on the flowers and plants in our midst and educating me on all of them while also enjoying their beauty. He really was a special man. I also love that he again includes all his siblings in these letters. I love how close they all were with each other. Lastly, in most of his letters he instructs my Gram to not work too hard and get rest. I remember him being like that when I was a kid with her- we were always not to disturb Grammy as she was either “resting”, reading or watching her stories (soap operas). It is partially why I didn’t have a great relationship with her until after he died. I spent much more time with him, when he was quick to educated about plants and tell one of his stories of when he “was a little girl”. He started all his stories about childhood like that to get us Grandkids laughing. Oh how I miss him but also, he feels right by my side this morning as I type away...


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