The End of the Cliffhanger

I cannot believe I left you dear readers on a cliffhanger yesterday! I could have sworn I wrote about my visit to my Gram but I guess I came home too exhausted from work to write anything. It was a very long day since I had to leave early to visit Gram before clinic started. Then I had a student with me all day and we had quite a busy day and then I rushed home but had a bit of a commute. These next few weeks I am mostly doing day traveling for work which means I spend the night in my bed (unless we are fighting about chickens) but I still commute quite a bit to get to clinic. It makes for very long days. Luckily I love what I do so it doesn’t feel like work. Unfortunately it eats into my nightly writing and my other job- did I mention I teach on the side? I know, I’m a crazy woman. This is why I don’t have kids. I could never do it all. 


Back to Gram. I saw her yesterday for a window visit and she looked perfectly fine. More than perfectly fine- she had not a bruise on her. She did not remember falling so she may have had a little concussion or she is starting to get a bit confused in her later years. The 100’s, man they’re rough. :) She requested self addressed and stamped cards for her to write birthday greetings for her Great-grandchildren in Maine, Sam and Hannah. Sam is named after my father and Hannah Mae has my Grandmother’s middle name. I cannot believe they are turning 14 and 16 this month! Gram felt very strongly that she send them cards and I obey her when she bosses me around. She actually didn’t remember telling me that but alas, I still obey orders. I also got her a card to give to my dear cousin Chris who is visiting her tomorrow since his birthday is next week. Aquarius’ unite!

The next letter is uber sweet. Grandad mentions I think every one of his siblings. He must have gone home to help with the farm while my Grandmother was in Greensboro teaching. He speaks of canning and picking vegetables. I love at the end when he writes “I love you precious”. 

My own precious left me a card today. But you’ll have to read my book to find out about that..




Weekend Bliss