We are family


I had a day off from clinical work but tried really hard to keep my butt in the chair to work on some of my admin work for a research paper I have a deadline for at the end of this month. Luckily I made time for self care which included a chilly trail run with my therapy dog.


I also got a text from a friend that some artwork I was having framed was done, so I hopped in the car to collect it, with Nina of course. Anything to procrastinate the actual work I needed to do. My friend, Scott just opened this cool new framing shop called “Higgins and Myers” (https://higginsandmyers.com) in Chapel Hill and they do amazing work! I’m not just saying that because he’s my friend. I am so pleased with my finished products. This painting was a Christmas gift from my nine year old niece, Sophie.


It goes perfectly with our other family “photos”.


This project I’m doing definitely has me reminiscing of relationships past but also makes me super grateful for my current relationship. We are celebrating 12 years together this week y'all! We met when I was six months sober and Nik says if she understood what six months sober meant, she probably would have run for the hills. Luckily she was blissfully naive and I convinced her to trudge the road of happy destiny with me. We are going away this weekend for our first trip since COVID started but we will be off the social media grid.


We are both fully vaccinated and feel like we are being super responsible with our plans, but there are a lot of judgmental people out there and my heart can’t handle any criticism right now. Sorry I will be vague posting for a bit but sometimes there are times for privacy. I’m counting down the days till the weekend!


Chicken Coop Drama


Grammy Update