Grammy Update


Today my Aunt, Dad and I visited my Gram IN PERSON at her retirement home. They finally lifted restrictions since the COVID rates have decreased and I had my vaccine and she had her vaccine. I was able to rub her feet and touch her hands. We still wore masks- I got the kind that you can see through since she has to read lips to hear us because she is so hard of hearing. She was asleep through most of it. She was doing her “hibernation sleep” that she does sometimes, where nothing will wake her up. We left her flowers and a card so she knew we were there.

This next letter is the last one I wrote while in NC, before I moved in with Tiffany and her mother. After that, the letters are when I am with them and she and I are figuring out that we are more than “just friends” and may actually like each other as girlfriends. It was a confusing time I think for both of us because neither one of us wanted to tell the other for fear we would freak the other one out. There was a lot of cuddling and head rubs for almost a year. It was long “courting”, as my grandparents would have said during their dating years.


We are family


Sunrise, sunset